2022 is finally here. Time to put those missed putts, shanks and pulls aside and look forward with optimism to what the next 12 months will bring. What’s your golfing New Year’s resolution? Do you already have a long bucket list?
Whether your golf season was amazingly good or abysmally bad in 2021, the start of this new year is your chance to change things up and improve your game. Maybe you want to break 90, or even 70 or you simply just want to hit more fairways. Whatever it is you’re aiming for to level up as a golfer, there are a few key practices you can adopt to reach your goal like a pro.
Are you ready for the challenge? Let’s go!
New Year Practice #1 : Get Fit
C’mon, it’s not a new year’s resolution list unless there’s something involving weight-loss or getting ripped, amirite? All of us want to work out and get healthier in 2022, so why not start your routine at the golf course? Kick things off slowly with the no-brainer stuff, like ditching the cart and walking instead. If you’re planning to golf 18 holes, you can walk the first 9-holes and take a cart on the back 9 if you get tired. As a golfer, a significant portion of your performance falls back on your physical strength and fitness. So exercising regularly to lose fat, gain muscle and flexibility can truly strengthen your body where it counts on the course. Consistent workouts puts you in better shape, giving you the confidence that can also help your mental game.

New Year Practice #2 : Cut the Cuss
We’re all guilty of it. Throwing out an F-bomb or two when we miss that one critical shot. It’s natural, almost instinctual because we get so immersed in the game. We can’t help but get so frustrated that lose our manners along the way. It happens to the best of us. But spewing cuss words aren’t going to make you feel better nor will it help you make a better shot. Quite the opposite, really. In fact, being in a negative state of mind usually hurts your performance more than anything else. Try taking some deep breaths to calm and center yourself. Take in the great view and shrug it off. Always remember, the most important shot is the next one. And at the end of the day, it’s just a game after all.
New Year Practice #3 : Back to Basics
The offseason is the best time to get off your high horse to run through your fundamentals. Yes, we’re talking going back to the basics. The golf swing is made up of one too many components that’ll make your head spin, so it’s good practice to get a refresher course every so often. Perfect that grip. Get your stance sorted and make sure your posture is in good shape. The pros always talk about working on your balance and stability. Nail those down and you’ll be golden.

New Year Practice #4 : Play for Money
No, we don’t mean, going pro. But if you could, that works just as well! But what we really mean here is to have something at stake for every game you play. If you haven’t tried this already, you should. It’s one thing to hack it around with your weekly foursome, but it’s an entirely different ball game to go out there and have something riding on it. You don’t have to go broke for this. Even if it’s a couple of bucks a hole, having to drain a putt when you have something to lose will instinctually make you wanna try so much harder. You’ll discover a lot about yourself (and your opponents) in a competitive setting. It gives a sense of what tour pros experience in a combative backdrop, which can be quite thrilling.
New Year Practice #5 : Dress Up
When it comes to class and elegance in sports, golf certainly tops it all. Not only is there an unspoken etiquette, but most golf courses have a dress code that requires particular attire in order to play. Although not as restrictive as the rules for PGA Tour or LPGA Tour players, these dress codes are in place to maintain the game’s tradition. But we think the importance of keeping up with appearances goes deeper than just the surface. So if you’re gonna be hitting the green anytime soon, leave those cotton shirts and wool pants behind and get yourself some breathable, wicking fabrics that ideally match. The selection for golf fashion--especially for women--are designed not just for performance but aesthetics and versatility too, much like the upcoming Faimonde collection.
When you look good, you feel good
– and when you feel good, you play good. It’s science.
New Year Practice #6 : Forget the Score
Trust us on this one. Don’t keep score. Don’t even bring along a scorecard. Play the hole, win the hole. With the pressure and expectation off your back, you’ll have so much more fun, at least while your handicap is high. Focusing less on the score every now and then allows you to just enjoy the feel of swinging a golf club. Life offers more than enough stress and playing golf should be one of the things that helps you relax and just chill.New Year Practice #7 : Play more!
This is probably the easiest resolution to make but also the hardest to keep. Unless you’re a golf pro, you probably don’t play as much golf as you’d like. Juggling work and life, our schedules are constantly jam packed with things to do, most of which take precedence over a putt at the course. But resolutions aren’t made because they’re easy. So even if you have to squeeze it in, make time for it. Take a few hours off work to sneak in a quick nine or grab your girlfriends and play hooky on a Wednesday afternoon. If you played 20 times last year, shoot for 24 this year. Even if it’s just one more round per month, that will make a difference.
Whatever your goals are for 2022, always remember that we play golf because it’s fun and it makes us happy. So leave the drama behind, take yourself less seriously and enjoy the view every so often.
Best of luck on your journey, we’ll see you at fairway !